Twelve Nice Things You Can Do For Someone In Pain has written a list of twelve things you can do for someone in pain. It’s aimed at those with rheumatoid arthritis, but it would apply just as much to those with Fibromyalgia, as apparently those with Fibromyalgia tend to have a much higher level of pain, that’s constant in nature.

Some of the ones I like best include:

3) Slow Down. The lady describes going for walks with strangers, and they’d go at her pace, and allow her to lean on them at times.
I am very limited in walking now anyway, but back when I could walk, slowly and in pain, I was always grateful to those who slowed down for me, and allowed me to stop and rest without judgement. It’s so lovely complete strangers would do this, when I found it wouldn’t even occur to people very close to me.

4) Make a Bed. I’m lucky enough that I no longer have to do this as I have support in place, but at university when I had to change my sheets, it was something I dreaded. It left me in agony and I’d then collapse, exhausted for hours. I have since found this genius produce All Zipped Up – which simply has a zip all the way round to make changing it to so much easier. They would make excellent present.

7) Learn and Believe. This would be my number one. I am so, so grateful to the people that take the time to google my conditions, and read about them. I’m very grateful to those that can even just give an approximation of what I actually have, as it’s more than 99% of my people around me can do. I really appreciate it, and it means a lot to me. It shows they care.

8) Make a Meal. Wow, yes. Again this is something so incredibly appreciated.  Cooking can be one of the hardest things to do – a mixture of standing, repetitive moments and carrying heavy items.  Chopping, peeling and slicing can be a nightmare.  I would have appreciated this so much at university, when by my final year I lived off microwave meals as I didn’t have the energy to make anything else. If you know someone in pain that lives near to you and are cooking something up anyway, save them a bit!

Credit to alex27

Credit to alex27

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