by The Chronic Chronicles | Sep 8, 2011 | Access, Hospitals, Volunteering
I haven’t updated in awhile, because I think I’ve been in a bit mentally exhausted. I seem to have something on every day – whether it be medical, or the voluntary work I do for on disability access – I could do with a break, but the show must go on!
I had an assessment at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital to see if they will accept me for their three-week inpatient pain management programme. It was a bit of a nightmare with my electric wheelchair wheel dying just as we got to the hospital, only for them to say we’d been sent to the wrong building anyway. I had to wait for a porter to get me – who came half an hour after my appointment time. I have to say my anxiety levels hit the roof and exploded through.
It does involve a shared ward which is quite a worry, as I can’t deal with light or noise and sleep very lightly, so other people snoring is a big worry and not being able to go to bed when I’m shattered as we have to be up at 7am which is going to cause loads of problems for me!

Credit to Melodi2
In other news our local council are making plans to make the High Street buses, taxis and motorcycles only. This is causing a lot of concern as this is the road a lot of blue badge holders park along to access the town. It’s also going to cause mayhem in all the rest of the town, as when one part closes it causes deadlock.
I’m on the committee of the local access group – just become acting Chair, in fact. I’m trying my best to get the council to reconsider, or even just to respond to my emails – without much luck. I was feeling a bit alone, until yesterday when there was a flurry of supportive emails from people including councillors. Then yesterday I made a speech at the local cabinet meeting on the issue – which is quite funny, as I’m the person that skipped most of English in year 9 to avoid giving a talk, but it went pretty well.
It seems to have made some difference with the right people getting involved now. So here’s hoping we can make a bit of a difference here.
by The Chronic Chronicles | Aug 1, 2011 | Coping Methods, Daily Life, Fundraising, Volunteering

Credit to Puiu Adriana Mirabela
Today I went to a Chronic Pain support group. I love going, it’s quite a great feeling being in a room full of people who know exactly what you’re going through. Sadly it usually clashes with a work day, so I’m not able to go. We spend the time just talking about our current issues – sharing things that have worked for us, having a bit of a vent and quite often having a laugh at ourselves.
Speaking of work, things came to a head when I went to see my GP recently and explained how low and stressed I was feeling. She then said she wanted me to have a break from work, and signed me off for a month. She also referred me back to the chronic pain clinic at the local hospital to see if they can try something new, and decided to put me on Prozac, to see if I can kick this depression.
Work took it in their usual way. I have an occupational health assessment tomorrow, which they asked me to have when I joined the company. I’m quite nervous about it, but will see how it goes.
I’ve been trying to think of something new to do a fundraising event for Fair Access to Colchester. The group has no money, and I desperately want to advertise and do lots of other things that cost money. I’ve run some pamper days for a village hall charity before, and I wanted to do something different.
At the same time, I was trying to arrange a craft themed meeting for Fair Access. I have found lots of disabled people are into crafts, and that’s how I got into them myself really – by looking for a hobby that could distract me from the pain. I suddenly realised the craft theme could work on a larger scale – by getting a large hall, and having lots of different crafters in giving small lessons. For example someone would come in a pay a small fee to make a bracelet, or a card, or paint something. That way people get to do something fun and try out something they may not have done before. It’s expensive starting a new hobby, and you want to make sure you’ll like it before you spend money.
I thought I could have some tables selling crafts, some children’s stuff and maybe a raffle or something.